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  • jamieclark88

16 Ways to Run Your Law Practice in the New Normal

Dernière mise à jour : 17 août 2023

The New Normal in the legal system sees demand for legal services shifting. Even though legal services have been deemed essential in most jurisdictions, some clients are opting to delay business decisions or life events that require legal services during these uncertain times. What can your firm do to support clients in times of hardship, and position your business for long-term growth?Make clients feel comfortable

  • Make a personal call to current and past clients to check in on their well-being

  • Make PPE available for all employees and clients who need to attend the office

  • Eliminate the waiting room; ask clients to call upon arrival and wait outside the office

  • Spell out your safety protocols with clear signage in the office and on all your digital channels, i.e. website, social media, email newsletters, Yellow Pages listing, and Google My Business profile

Deliver services differently

  • Offer alternatives to in-person meetings whenever possible, such as telephone or videoconference

  • Keep up to date on federal, provincial, and international regulations for use of electronic signatures

  • Investigate new software, tools, or processes that could make your practice more efficient

  • Look for opportunities to introduce new expertise to your team as client priorities shift

  • Stay connected by sending clients email newsletters with personalized legal information and advice

  • Become active in virtual events for local trade organizations, business groups, or charities

  • Seek out virtual speaking engagements where you can share your expertise

  • Offer incentives to existing clients who refer new business to your firm

Rethink your firm’s priorities

  • Use your firm’s extra time or bandwidth to take on pro bono activities

  • Offer flexible payment terms or credit toward future services for clients in financial difficulty

  • Grow your firm’s content marketing assets to respond to the important questions potential clients are asking now, i.e. blog articles, social profiles, video, testimonials, and reviews

  • Consider shrinking your firm’s physical footprint to reduce real estate expenses

Open your law practice, and thinking, to new ways of working that will help you stay connected to clients while positioning your business for long-term sustainability.

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