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4 Ways to Think Like an E-commerce Pro

Dernière mise à jour : 17 août 2023

You’ve built a good website and developed a suite of great products or services. Now, it’s time to attract new customers and start selling. Here are four top tips to get you thinking like an e-commerce expert and growing your online business.

1. Think like a graphic designer

It’s impossible to underemphasize the importance of great visuals for e-commerce success. The average consumer is bombarded with hundreds, or even thousands, of commercial messages each day, so why, and how, can your brand stand out? Visuals help communicate your brand’s core values and cement them in your customer’s mind. Your website, ads, and all brand collateral must be esthetically pleasing, professional-looking, and aligned with your brand values. Good design ensures that the most essential elements and information are strategically placed to get noticed.

2. Think like a usability expert

Do your research to understand the psychology behind buyers’ online behaviour, and adjust your web design accordingly. To get started, ensure your website follows these key tenets:

  • Position your strongest content ‘above the fold’ on your home page (in the first window visitors see before scrolling down the page). This should be a mix of beautiful images, short and clear messages, and a strong call-to-action

  • Break up text into small chunks with numbers, headings, or bullet points to increase readability. Keep it brief, and link to other pages for more details. Use whitespace generously.

  • The human eye typically follows a Z pattern as it scans information on a webpage, moving from top left to right, diagonally down and left, and then right again. Ensure you have a strong call to action at the end of the Z.

3. Think like a data analyst

At major corporations, there is an entire team analyzing all the data that predict e-commerce success. In your business, there may be just you, but the key e-commerce growth metrics to keep an eye on are typically the same:

  • Conversion rate – How many visitors are you converting into buyers?

  • Bounce rate – How many visitors are leaving your website without clicking on a second page?

  • Product performance – What are your best-selling products? How can you expand your product line?

  • Average order value – This key metric will help you decide what is a fair cost per acquisition

  • Cost per acquisition – How much are you spending to bring in a new customer? Is it worth it?

  • Shopping cart abandonment – Why are customers loading up their cart, but not completing the purchase? Are your payment or shipping terms to blame?

4. Think like your ideal customer

Build your marketing strategy and your inventory plan around what sells best. An expensive mistake business owners often make is trying to generate sales of products they like. The trick is to remember that it’s the customer’s likes that really matter. Testing new products is always a good idea, but learn quickly and turn up the dial on what appeals to most consumers.

Ready to get your e-commerce business started? The Yellow Pages e-commerce solution can help you grow your business. Find out more by visitingYellow Pages for Business, and connect with a certified expert today by calling 1-877-553-6883.

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