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  • jamieclark88

Thriving in the New Neighbourhood Economy

Dernière mise à jour : 17 août 2023

Everyone has an offer. Everyone has a deal. Everyone has a promotion. And they’re exhausted from hearing them all, evaluating them all, and simply dealing with them all.If you’re a local business, that’s a good thing.Research shows that consumers want to do business with brands that share their values. When you’re an organization with 10,000 employees and little control over front line staff, that’s tough to control. When you’re a small, neighbourhood business with a team of people who share your last name, it’s a lot easier.Consumers want to do business with people, not corporations.Even as the world becomes more global, consumers desire for local business grows. While they love technological advances, they also want to return to simplicity. They may be more digitally connected than ever before, but —because of it — they put a premium on face-to-face relationships.Not surprisingly, big box outlets located in the middle of nowhere no longer seem like the perfect destination. They’re tough to get to, require more time to navigate, and are large, faceless corporations. And, because they have an ongoing quest for sales growth, they’re not known for placing the interests of the consumer ahead of their own. Hey, trying to help a customer is one thing, but trying to meet a globally mandated sales quota before the end of a shift is quite another.Big global businesses have been able to survive the change in consumer attitudes because their budgets have allowed them to add enough value to compensate. Their sophisticated marketing efforts have them winning SEO and leaping to the top of organic search rankings. They’ve developed apps, worked with influencers, generated content and have spread their messaging out to every possible nook, cranny and smart device possible.But they better watch out. Because now they have you to contend with.Local businesses, like you, beat them on every authenticity measure. You’re real. You’re a part of the community. You’re accountable. You thrive during face-to-face interactions. You’re genuine. All the things that support the emotional needs and desires of consumers can be found at the corner restaurant. Or naturopath. Or accountant. Or law office. Or boutique. Or coffee shop.The next step is taking that authenticity to the digital world, with a website, social media presence, mobile capabilities and online advertising. Customers are flocking online, where the playing field has been levelled for small businesses, and just being there can have a huge impact for your company. It’s easier than ever tolaunch your first websiteor make smart changes to your current one, so that you show up inorganic search rankings. With the rise ofsocial mediaand the proliferation of free or inexpensive and easy to use online tools and applications, even the smallest businesses can have a professional online presence and compete with the bigger players. You’re already in the neighbourhood. Now you need to be everywhere consumers are.The New Neighbourhood Economy changes everything. It marries the genuine relationships of your local business with the latest digital andmobile toolsfrom the likes ofYellow Pages, which has an unmatched track record in supporting companies like yours. That’s powerful. YP delivers everything that global retailers have with all of the things they’ll never be able to buy. After all, you can buy an app but you can’t buy authenticity.The program is finally in your favour.It’s not about budget.It’s not about strategy.It’s not about access.It’s not about size.It’s not about power.It’s about recognizing the opportunity and getting started.Discover how to turn your digital presence into a game-changer. Connect with a Yellow Pages expert for a one-on-one consultation. Learn how to redefine what “small business” means in 2015 and beyond. There’s plenty of room for you in the New Neighbourhood Economy. Start making yourself comfortable.

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