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5 Fresh Ways to Use Video Marketing in 2021

Updated: Jun 14

Video is one of the best visual marketing tools you can use for your small or medium-sized business. It helps to increase awareness of your brand, keeps people engaged, and brings in new customers. In fact, by 2022, it’s predicted that video content may account for as much as 82% of all online traffic.Yet, many SMBs aren’t using video content. Some think it’s too costly, while others feel they don’t have the talent. We’ve compiled 5 creative and effective ways to use video marketing to give your business a boost.

1. User-generated testimonial video

Testimonial videos are crucial for any SMB with a product that can be shared visually. Reading online reviews is good, but having real customers share their experience with your product is far more interesting and inspires greater trust. Peers are top of the list for trusted product knowledge among shoppers. If your goal is to increase sales, try using a testimonial video on your website’s purchase page or in a sales email – somewhere with close proximity to the ‘buy’ button.

2. Livestream announcement video

The ability to live-stream on platforms like Instagram has forever changed video content marketing. If you’re comfortable on camera, try inviting viewers into your space by live-streaming an announcement video. Show off your shop, a new product line, or even your staff. Livestreams give the impression that your business is authentic and in-demand. For brick and mortar businesses, it’s also valuable to entice shoppers with the in-store experience. Bonus: this type of content requires virtually no money or expertise.

3. Educational how-to webinar

If your offering requires a little extra info, consider how-to videos. For example, if you’re providing a product or service that’s technical in nature, there’s a lot your customer might want to know. Use your expertise to build awareness of your brand while also earning trust. Educational content is well suited to a YouTube marketing strategy. In 2020, 82% of YouTube users said they watched videos to learn how to do something new. Alternatively, create helpful webinars and publish them on one of the many online learning platforms available.

4. Hidden camera reaction video

Hidden camera reaction videos are an especially entertaining way to show viewers your product or service from a customer’s point of view. The clothing brand Seasum proved the power of a brief, viral reaction video with their TikTok campaign for their now-famous leggings. The organic reactions of their customers went viral because they were funny and relatable.

5. Long-form storytelling

Despite popular opinion about declining attention spans, long-form storytelling is one of the hottest trends in video content marketing for 2021. The global pandemic resulted in a steep increase in streaming, and storylines upwards of 10 or even 15 minutes have proven to capture the imagination. Long-form video marketing might mean a short documentary or an episodic series. Adding this type of content to your YouTube marketing strategy or your website requires technical skills and likely a professional videographer. But the benefit is the emotional investment your customers will develop over time.Did you know that Yellow Pages offers professionalvideo creation services? Find out more by visitingYellow Pages for Business, and connect with a certified expert today by calling 1-877-553-6883.




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